Threshold is super duper stoked about the new production photos taken by Clay Robseon of TERRORiSTKA which just closed yesterday to a sold-out house, a standing ovation and a shower of rose petals.
To ensure we receive you donation, please write "Threshold" in the "Designation" field.
To donate by check or money order, please make your tax-deductible donations payable to our fixcal sponsor -- CounterPULSE -- and indicate that the funds are for us by writing "Threshold" in the memo line of your check.
Please mail to:
Jessica Holt
Artistic Director
375 Grand Ave. #301 Oakland, CA 94610
THRESHOLD is a fiscally sponsored project by CounterPULSE
About Threshold
Threshold is an emerging theater ensemble comprised of actors, directors, writers and designers dedicated to creating bold, beautiful theater.
We challenge artists and audiences to imagine the edges of the possible in an environment of risk, growth and change.
Our work is surprising and immediate and embraces the poetry of language and physical space.