a threshold project
the world premiere of
(a play about an elephant)
by Ben Fisher
directed by Pamela Davis
the world premiere of
(a play about an elephant)
by Ben Fisher
directed by Pamela Davis
Tabitha is a bearded lady studying to be a criminal psychologist.
Rollo is a clown who just wants to be taken seriously. And Dudley...
Well, Dudley's dead.
Rollo is a clown who just wants to be taken seriously. And Dudley...
Well, Dudley's dead.
Please join us this Sunday morning, July 26th at the San Francisco Theater Festival for this short comedy about love, death, the circus, and how to properly dispose of an elephant corpse in these trying economic times. Starring Sam Leichter and Maggie McCally.
11:50 am, July 26, 2009
Action Theater
2nd Floor, Metreon
101 4th Street, SF
Admission is so, so, SO free.
Find more festival information, including directions and parking info, here.
Action Theater
2nd Floor, Metreon
101 4th Street, SF
Admission is so, so, SO free.
Find more festival information, including directions and parking info, here.
--- BONUS ---
Make a day of it at the The San Francisco Theater Festival!
Make a day of it at the The San Francisco Theater Festival!
After Footprints in the Applesauce, head over to the Forum at 3:25pm for a Three Wise Monkeys comedy double feature, directed by our very own Jessica Holt. Maybe Tov, penned by Thresholder (and Footprints director) Pamela Davis, features our buddies Cooper Carlson (Exchange) and Joe Scheppers. Crish Barth's hilarious Save The Date shuffles the cards around again, as Pamela joins Cooper and Joe in the cast.
(For more information: http://3wmtheatre.blogspot.com/)
Or check out playwright Ben Fisher and see more of Footprints star Sam Leichter in Aristophanes' classic Greek comedy The Frogs, presented by AtmosTheatre at the Waterfall Stage.